Hunter Hastings

Hunter Hastings
Tactics to Make Your Business a Networked Organization, Part 3

If your company or unit is growing quickly, you might have five people in a small group who are playing three or four roles each. As you grow, you might have more people playing these roles. You could have 20 people, each of them finding new roles all the time. Each role demands resources needed to support the role.

Tactics to Make Your Business a Networked Organization, Part 2

In part 2 of this multipart series on the steps businesses must take to become networked organizations, which details how organizational structures and processes can make managing the demand of a product or service a process-based, predictable and repeatable science, we look at four tips to consider when tackling the optimization of your value networks.

Tactics to Make Your Business a Networked Organization, Part 1

Organizational design emphasizes structure. But today’s organizational analysts believe relationships between people inside and outside an enterprise create economic value by sharing knowledge and generating new knowledge. Value networks are a new form of organizational thinking based on human interdependence.