Hamilton Davison

Hamilton Davison

Hamilton Davison has been the President & Executive Director of the American Catalog Mailers Association (ACMA) since its founding in April 2007. Prior to this, he consulted for an educational services start-up, created a specialty card and gift retail chain and grew it to more than 150 stores, was CEO of the oldest and third-largest greeting card publisher and manufacturer, and started an oil and gas exploration business. Mr. Davison’s involvement in postal affairs started in 1992 with his service on the Greeting Card Association’s postal affairs committee. He became chair and directed the litigation and witness team charged with protecting the GCA subclass against virtually every other mailer, helping bring his association from its nadir (losing a rate case appeal at the Supreme Court) to an established force in postal policy that was routinely consulted on all important postal policy issues. He championed and sold the Forever Stamp to many including proposing it to the Chairman of the Board of Governors.

4 Reasons Postal Reform Legislation is a Must-Have Right Now

In our role as advocate for catalog, online, direct and other retailers, one of our biggest challenges of the past few years has been in making all retailers understand why the U.S. Postal Service has been so badly in need of being reformed by Congress. Last year’s (and actually, on through the present) controversies involving…

Supreme Court’s Wayfair Ruling Devastating to Online Merchants

The American Catalog Mailers Association (ACMA) recently conducted a follow-up poll to see how e-commerce, catalog, direct and other remote merchants have fared since the Supreme Court’s June 2018 decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., which overturned the old Quill v. North Dakota remote sales tax collection physical presence standard. The first poll was…

Your Company Just Received a State Tax Notice … Now What?

A growing number of states are sending out notices to online and catalog companies based outside their jurisdiction requiring such companies to now comply with this or that new law or regulation (key word here: “outside”). Chances are, your company has received one or more of these notices even though you have no physical presence…

Winter 'Postal Sale' Taking Shape

Momentum is building at the USPS for a “Winter Sale” event to follow on the heals of the Summer Sale incentive for Standard Mailers. This latest incentive round would have some similar features, but also notable differences, from the previously announced Summer Sale incentive.

Being a Catalog CEO is Hazardous Duty

It’s fashionable these days for catalog companies to replace their CEOs. No fewer than six major catalogers have done so this year. And there may be plenty of others among smaller companies that can’t easily be tracked. Certainly the job life-expectancy of a CEO is short, but this wholesale change of leadership isn’t usual. CEOs can be dismissed for a variety of reasons, of course. The most common one is a company’s poor financial performance. While in the past a board of directors may have been more content to ride out a downturn in profitability, these days boards increasingly demand immediate results. Environmental