Georgia Leybourne

Georgia Leybourne

Georgia Leybourne is Linnworks’ Chief Marketing Officer. She brings 15 years’ experience in supply chain and logistics and joined Linnworks from Transporeon, having previously worked for Manhattan Associations. She brings significant experience in digital commerce and has a diverse background that includes marketing, customer service, sales and project management. She’s dedicated to creating frictionless consumer journeys, enhancing revenue for retail, B2B wholesale and DTC operations. Georgia holds a BA in Business Studies, a DipM, and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Retailers, Ready for the Holidays? Here’s What to Expect in 2024

As the holiday season approaches, retailers must brace themselves for another year of shifting trends and heightened consumer expectations. The 2024 shopping period promises to be even more intense, with a continued focus on online convenience, seamless in-store experiences, and faster fulfillment services. Preparing for the inevitable surge starts with understanding the trends shaping the…