Er Schwartz

Er Schwartz
Retail Online Integration Partners With Dealerscope for #ROIChat Twitter Discussions

Hey all you tweeters, we’ve got some big news: For the last few weeks, Retail Online Integration has been running a group Twitter discussion called #ROIChat, looping in the latest trends and most profitable practices in the world of retail. Our friends over at Dealerscope, who focus on the consumer technology side of retailing, took notice of all the fun we were having and asked if they could get in on the action. We couldn’t think of a better partner for #ROIChat.

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: So Many Social Platforms, So Little Time

It might sound tempting to set up shop across multiple social media networks, but if even one of these accounts is neglected or mismanaged there’s a chance that you may be doing more harm than good for your business. According to the 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 85 percent of all businesses that have a dedicated social media platform as part of their marketing strategy reported an increase in their market exposure. Which social media platform do you predominantly use for your business and why? 

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: ‘Showrooming’ During Black Friday

Black Friday, traditionally one of the busiest shopping days of the year, is nearing. Big-box stores are going to have to deal with “showrooming” — i.e., when in-store shoppers use their smartphones to identify cheaper deals online and then make their purchases elsewhere. What can retailers do to offset the effect of showrooming during Black Friday?"

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: Social Media for the Holidays

Welcome friends to #ROIChat, a weekly Twitter discussion looping in the latest trends and most profitable practices in the world of retail. The holidays are fast approaching, and most brands by now have a clear marketing plan for the busy months ahead. You can bet that social media is going to play a big role for most retailers this holiday season.

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: Mobile Sites vs. Stand-Alone Apps

Most retailers today have developed mobile-optimized websites that perform the same functions as their desktop counterparts. Personally, I like shopping via a mobile browser because it gives me the option to open up multiple tabs to compare prices, styles and whatever else I need to look at before purchasing the perfect pair of pants that may or may not fit. Is a well-designed and functional mobile site enough for retailers, or have stand-alone apps become a necessity in this ever-expanding mobile world?

#ROIChat: Fashion, Technology and the Future of Retail

Tadashi Yanai, CEO of Uniqlo’s parent company, Fast Retailing, is incorporating technology not just into the promotions of his company’s products, but also into the products themselves. Uniqlo partners with high-tech suppliers to develop clothes made from fabrics like HeatTech, which “creates heat to warm you up and keep you warm.” Uniqlo’s technical approach to fashion has made it one of the most successful retailers in the world. Will Uniqlo’s success have an affect on the future of retail?

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: Let’s Talk Facebook ‘Collections’

Facebook is taking the next step into e-commerce with its “Collections” feature. The idea is this: brands you “like” on Facebook will post their products in your news feed, giving you the option to “want” or “collect.” Based on which verb you click on, that product will be shared by you in one of several ways. Based on what you’ve read or heard about Facebook Collections so far, what’s your initial impression?

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: When Will Mobile Payments Catch On?

There’s a lot of hype surrounding mobile payments, but is it just that? In general, consumers have been slow to embrace the technology. With no definitive leader in the mobile payment space, the fact that there are so many options available to consumers only seems to add to the confusion. And let’s face it, is it really that much easier to pay with a phone? What do companies like Google, PayPal and the like have to do to convince consumers to put away the plastic and pull out their mobile phone? Head over to Retail Online Integration's Twitter page to join the discussion.

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: Mobile Commerce Trends

According to a study done by comScore, four out of five smartphone owners use their device to shop. In the ever-changing world of mobile commerce, it’s not enough for retailers to simply replicate their online experience on a mobile device. As technology evolves, so too must marketers. Which mobile commerce trend(s) do you see having the greatest impact for retailers in the coming years?

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: Prepping for the Holidays

Welcome once again to #ROIChat, a weekly Twitter discussion focusing on the latest trends and most profitable practices in the cross-channel retail industry. The holidays are only a few months away, and you can bet that retailers everywhere have been gearing up for the ensuing madness. How should retailers be preparing for the holiday shopping season? What's changed this year from last? Bring your best ideas, most relevant articles and favorite blog posts to share with the group.

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: Don’t Be Anti-Social

The rise of social media has affected the way consumers shop: According to the 2012 Social and Mobile Commerce study, 40 percent of consumers connect with retailers through one or more social networking sites. So tell us, what can retailers do to stay ahead of the curve socially? Bring your best ideas, most relevant articles and favorite blog posts to share with the group.

#ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion: Reaching New Markets

Welcome once again to #ROIChat, a weekly Twitter discussion looping in the latest trends and most profitable practices in the world of retail. For our second go-round, the question is this: What advice would you give to an independent retailer looking to reach new markets? 

Introducing #ROIChat, A Weekly Twitter Discussion

Retail Online Integration loves Twitter! Just last week we reached the 3,000 follower mark, and we wanted to personally thank our readers for all your enthusiasm and support. Next milestone: 10,000 followers! Twitter allows us to connect with our readers on a much more personal level, and we think it’s time to take the next step in our relationship.