Erin Warren

Erin Warren

Erin Warren is the General Manager of Rakuten In Store Network, a company allowing users to get cash back any time they shop.

Back-to-School Goes Back In-Store: Driving In-Store Traffic With Online Rewards

Parents and students recently celebrated the end of another school year, and marketers are already thinking ahead about the next one. Back-to-school budgets are starting to be planned, and new data from Rakuten Advertising shows that shopping habits will look a bit different from what we quickly dubbed “the new normal.” According to the survey, most…

Experiences and Rewards Are the Keys to In-Store Success

We’re already into April and retailers are shelving their spring collection items fast. As the temperatures start to warm up, and as COVID-19 restrictions continue to loosen across the U.S., retailers should be preparing for a surge in in-store shopping once more. Akin to the “revenge shopping” trend that we’ve seen emerge during the warmer…

Applying Learnings From Back-to-School Season to Attract In-Store Holiday Shoppers

Back-to-school season has come to a close as parents successfully planned for the first return to school in nearly two years. Marketers who found success undoubtedly had a plan in place to take advantage of the surge, helping them pull share of wallet. With the pandemic-driven boon to e-commerce and our more recent hope for…

Leveraging the Rise of Digital Marketing to Drive Post-Pandemic In-Store Traffic

The pandemic fast-tracked the growth of e-commerce on an exponential level. In 2020, e-commerce accounted for over 21 percent of retail sales — a monumental jump from the 15.8 percent of retail that it accounted for the year prior. There’s no doubt that e-commerce will continue to be an important part of the consumer journey,…