Dr. Gary Edwards

Dr. Gary Edwards
What ‘Webrooming’ Means for Retailers

Webrooming is the practice of researching products online before going to a brick-and-mortar store for a final evaluation and purchase. For retailers, webrooming presents opportunities to provide shoppers with information they expect to receive online (e.g., product information, pricing, peer reviews, etc.), while maintaining control over the customer journey by showcasing the physical store experience as the consumer's final destination.

A Retailer’s Guide to Combatting Showrooming

Showrooming can be a huge threat to brick-and-mortar retailers — if they choose to let it. Consumers’ purchase decisions don't all come down to price. Brick-and-mortar retailers have an integral advantage over their online-only counterparts: the opportunity to generate exceptional and well-rounded in-store experiences. Pair this with tactics such as social media and mobile marketing, and retailers will see that technology can help, rather than hinder, their business.

Why Consumers Crave In-Store Experiences

Online fashion retailer Piperlime recently announced plans to open its first brick-and-mortar location in New York City. With this announcement, Piperlime joins Amazon.com, eBay, Google and other major online brands in a migration beyond the frontiers of the cybersphere and into the physical retail space.