David Dorf

David Dorf

David Dorf is the VP of Retail at Infor, a $10 billion business application software provider with solutions specifically tailored to the retail industry. After working with clients like DSW, Nordstrom, and Whole Foods, Infor is a trusted source on retail best practices and streamlining operations.

How the Postal Treaty Withdrawal Impacts Retailers

When shopping large online retailers, such as Amazon.com or eBay, it's impossible not to notice the seemingly impossible low cost of many China-sourced products. In fact, upon further inspection, it's often the case that all these extremely low-priced items even include free shipping. This begs the question: How can China afford to ship products to…

5 Retail Predictions for 2019

Based on the retail advancements we witnessed last year, here are five predictions industry leaders should keep an eye out for in 2019.

Unlock the Potential of the Personalized Supply Chain

The so-called “retail apocalypse” is completely overblown, but it does indicate that the retail industry is undergoing a transformation, driven by changes in the way consumers shop across all touchpoints. While it's true that e-commerce has certain advantages over traditional brick-and-mortar, physical stores have their own benefits, which aren't as easily replicated by the likes…

User Friendly?

Much has been written about the customer experience and its importance to retailers, but it’s just one of many elements required to be successful. Another important aspect, which is often overlooked by brands, is the user experience (i.e., the experience that employees who are directly or indirectly serving customers have when using enterprise software). Many…