Dan McKone

Dan McKone
AI Comes to Retail: Here Are 3 Benefits and 3 Planning Steps You Need to Take

After years of hype and anticipation, artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to have a real impact on the retail industry. Within the next few years, AI will transform retailing, affecting everything from cost structures to the customer experience. AI goes hand-in-hand with e-commerce, and surging e-commerce growth rates — accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic —…

How Will V-Commerce Arrive? Consumers Show the Way

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) bring the potential for entirely new shopping experiences and new kinds of added value. They are the gateways to “v-commerce,” a blend of brick-and-mortar retailing and e-commerce. L.E.K. Consulting recently surveyed 1,000 consumers who were aware of AR and VR technology. The results offer an initial look at…