Christoph Börner

Christoph Börner

Christoph Börner is a multi-organizational founder, developer, tester, speaker, and in his spare time, a pretty great drummer. He is the Senior Director of Digital for Cyara and the co-founder of Botium, the leading industry standard in test automation for chatbots, voice assistants and conversational AI.

Mastering the Post-Holiday Season Rush: Strategies for Retail Businesses to Excel

The months after the holiday season can be chaotic due to a flurry of returns, accompanied with the pressure to meet new sales goals and start the year off strong. This year, retailers anticipate an approximate $25 billion in fraudulent return claims, representing approximately 16.5 percent of the total returns during this period. For retailers…

Chatbot Lessons for Retailers: Maintaining Excellent CX Year-Round

It happens every year. In November and December, consumers who are overjoyed with the holidays spend more than they had planned. In fact, on Black Friday 2022, consumers spent a record $9.12 billion online. This excitement continues into January, as gift cards get spent and returns are made. Then, reality strikes as the post-holiday spending slump…