Chris Roebuck

Chris Roebuck

Chris Roebuck is founder and CEO of shoppable video platform Clicktivated.

Why Shoppable Video is Taking Over Retail (and Beyond)

Every marketer is painfully aware that it’s never been more difficult to grab a consumer’s attention. Some research even suggests that the average goldfish has a longer attention span than the average human. So how do retail brands capture attention, let alone grow their conversions and, by extension, their sales? Video has long been considered…

Embrace the Unknown and an Accelerated Future

When states and countries begin reopening stores, restaurants, workplaces, and entertainment spaces, we’ll be living in a dramatically different world then we were before the COVID-19 pandemic. How could anyone truly predict a global pandemic and the aftermath it would leave on our economy? Yet, here we are as consumers, business owners and marketers, stuck…