Chad White

Chad White

Chad S. White is the author of “Email Marketing Rules” and research director at Litmus, which provides email teams with powerful tools for email creation, testing, analytics, and collaboration. He has written more than 3,000 posts and articles about email marketing trends and best practices. A former journalist, Chad previously served as lead email marketing researcher at, ExactTarget, Responsys, and the Direct Marketing Association.

Email Marketing’s ROI: 3 Insights for Retailers

Email remains one of the most effective marketing channels, generating a 38-to-1 return on investment across all industries, according to Litmus’ Email Marketing ROI: The Factors That Lead to Better Returns whitepaper. Companies in the retail and consumer goods and services industries generate email marketing ROIs nearly as high, getting 37 times their investment back.…

Smoothing Out the Mobile Email Journey

The increase in the number of emails being read on mobile devices is creating significant challenges for subscribers as they make the journey from receiving an email to interacting with content on email landing pages. Retailers have not only been slow to embrace mobile email design, their move to a mobile mind-set for their emails and websites are significantly out of sync, creating instances when subscribers go from a mobile-friendly environment to an mobile-unfriendly one, and vice versa.

3 Top Email Tactics From Holiday 2010

Social media plays a much smaller role in driving traffic to retail websites than email marketing and search during the holiday season, according to ForeSee Results. Having watched in recent years as video calls to action disappear every November, I'm not surprised. Consumers are just too busy to participate in time-intensive social media campaigns, just like they're too busy to watch video content. However, social media does have a role to play in email messaging during the holiday season