César M. Melgoza

César M. Melgoza

CEO and Founder of Geoscape (now a Claritas company), César M. Melgoza, is a leading innovator and thought-leader on analytic services, business strategy, consumer insights and the development of market intelligence systems. After having fulfilled key roles at Silicon Valley firms Apple and Strategic Mapping, César founded Geoscape to develop market information systems and provide services for an increasingly diverse American and international marketplace.

César recently served on the board of directors of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and on its Executive Committee. He has served on the advisory boards of Florida International University’s International MBA program and he is a board member of Florida State University’s Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication.

I’d enjoy getting your point of view on this. Feel free to reach out @cesarmmelgoza, @geoscape, @claritas or cmelgoza@claritas.com.

How to Localize Your Marketing Message to Reach Your Target Consumer

Like real estate, retail has always been about location, location, location. But as the demographics of the American population continue to shift, retailers have placed more emphasis on targeting specific ethnic groups based on their location and spending patterns. As such, they must rely on advanced micro-geographic technology to get better insight into the prominent ethnicities of specific neighborhoods (both current and future projections) that they're targeting for stores nationwide. Having a better understanding of in-store consumers helps drive online purchases as well.