Casey Bullock

Casey Bullock

Casey Bullock is General Manager for North America, Global eCommerce, Merchant Solutions at Worldpay from FIS, a global payments company.

What’s in Your Customer’s Wallet?

With retail in 2019, it's innovate or get left behind. Merchants must compete to win the business of consumers more than ever before. In this push-and-pull landscape that will only intensify, consumers are demanding more personalized shopping experiences and further asserting their purchase preferences. One trend that has bubbled to the surface is the move…

Modifying for Mobile: What Your Mobile Shoppers Want

Shoppers today are more obsessed with their phones than ever before. According to a study from Statista, the average U.S. consumer spends over 2.5 hours on their mobile device daily. Whether that time is spent on social media, texting or browsing the web, mobile has completely transformed consumers’ expectations. Even as the popularity of mobile shopping…

The Connected Consumer: IoT and Automation in Everyday Life

Consumers are eager to embrace connected devices and automation; however, they remain wary of the Internet of Things (IoT), security breaches and their long-term effects. People want the ease and accessibility that automation can provide but want assurance that there are protocols and security measures in place before they fully adopt these practices. Optimistic for…

Going Global: Catering to Payment Preferences Across Markets

There’s more to global payments than the age-old question, “debit or credit?” Interest in alternative payment methods has skyrocketed in recent years, and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon. U.S. e-wallet usage surpassed that of debit cards in 2017 and, according to Worldpay’s 2017 Global Payments Report, is projected to increase by…

VR/AR Tech: A Brick-and-Mortar Lifeline

Much has been made of the increasingly prominent role of e-commerce within retail — and rightfully so. A number of big-name retailers have dedicated both time and money attempting to challenge's market dominance. When it comes to keeping their brick-and-mortar locations around despite a flurry of e-commerce growth, retailers need to get creative. Virtual…

3 Payments Trends to Watch in 2017

Recently, Worldpay released its 2016 Global Payments Report, an annual compilation of data on payment preferences and trends in 30 countries. The following are several key trends that emerged from the report, poised to potentially pick up steam in 2017 and beyond. Shift to Mobile Mobile wallet adoption is picking up speed. In fact, mobile…