Bill Bloom

Bill Bloom

Over the last 20 years, Bill Bloom has established himself as an innovator and business builder – disrupting established industries, driving growth and profitability through operational, creative, and sales excellence.

In 2016, frustrated by traditional market researches slow, expensive and outdated methods, Bill determined to reinvent the market research industry/ FastFocus was launched in February 2018 to deliver qualitative and quantitative research, faster and cheaper than traditional solutions.

Bill’s innovations include award-winning 3D digital games for Disney, launching the first digital brand for Unilever, and the development of AI powered talent mining systems for the FBI.

In 1997 Bill partnered with Disney Interactive to lead the development of their first interactive 3D adventure game, Aladdin’s Mathquest, starring Robin Williams. Released in 1998, Mathquest was the industries’ first major hit, selling over one million units and establishing Disney as a market leader.

In the early 2000’s – while heading the New York office of, Bill led the creation of the first digital brands for Unilever, Sirius Satellite Radio, Merrill Lynch, Sprint, McKinsey, Gucci, Colgate and the Food Network.

In 2011 the FBI needed to effectively deploy expertise to win the escalating battles against cyber banking fraud and terrorism. Over the next two years Bill and his team developed a SAAS deep learning system that enabled the FBI to identify and deploy mission critical experts 30% faster.

Leveraging Interactive 3D/360-Degree Images to Gain a Competitive E-Commerce Advantage

Due to COVID-19, market dynamics are shifting furiously to mobile shopping, challenging brands to evolve their marketing efforts to engage evolving consumers. Changing consumer behavior is also reflected in the shattering of brand loyalty; 36 percent of consumers have recently tried a new brand, while 25 percent have turned to private-label brands. We're witnessing the…