Bagrat Safaryan

Bagrat Safaryan

Bagrat Safaryan is the Co-Founder and CEO of Local Express, a SaaS vertical for the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry which specializes in providing eCommerce solutions to independent retailers and enterprises seeking digital transformation. Since starting the company in 2017, Bagrat has been on a mission to bring turnkey e-commerce solutions to grocery stores and food retailers across the country using the Local Express platform.


How ChatGPT Can Take E-Grocery Personal Shopping Assistants to the Next Level

Ever visited a grocery store, activated your mobile app, and received personalized item suggestions with prices and additional insights? Shoppers at supermarket chain Kroger have. Store sensors and artificial intelligence (AI) technology are enabling customized mid-purchase product recommendations to be expected by consumers. The question on small and mid-to-large store owners' minds now is how…

Delivering Growth: Top Strategies for E-Grocers to Have in Mind

Flexibility, hyperpersonalization, and convenience are the retail buzzwords on everyone’s lips. In just five months, e-grocery experienced five years of growth, and there’s no going back. Grocery leaders expect the e-commerce market to more than double in the next five years, with delivery options increasingly favored by expectant consumers. Yet many grocers don’t believe they…

The Keys to Profitability When Syncing Online and In-Store Grocery Commerce

Already in the 90s, forward-looking retailers like Homegrocer and Webvan started offering their assortment online, delivering fresh products in trucks to the suburbs. However, back then, they failed due to immature technology, stagnant demand, and high prices for software. Now, some 30 years later, the digital supermarket has gained new momentum. Shopper Insights reports that…