Anna Claiborne

Anna Claiborne

A software engineering executive with a product focus, Anna Claiborne serves as Zayo Group’s SVP of Packet and Product Software Engineering, where she leads product management for the company’s network connectivity products. She has held key roles in building multiple companies from zero to cash flow positive, including as CTO and co-founder of PacketFabric. Anna is a hands-on creator of services who can effortlessly switch between authoring a board presentation and coding a prototype. She has created solutions in a spectrum of industries, including retail, managed security services, DDoS mitigation, WAN networking, Internet infrastructure, DNS and banking.

The Risks of DDoS Attacks and 4 Ways to Fortify Your Defenses This Holiday Season

The holiday season is the Super Bowl for retailers, with November and December accounting for 19 percent of total retail sales — even higher for some retailers — in the last five years. Since online purchasing comprises nearly 40 percent of holiday shopping, retailers can't afford to lose sales and frustrate consumers through website outages. Unfortunately,…