Angela Wolfe

Angela Wolfe
Contact Centers: Calibrate! Calibrate! Calibrate!

Tune up your contact center. A contact center without calibration is like a car without a tune-up: The car still runs, but not at peak performance. Calibrations are an opportunity to gather your team, tune in to your customers’ experience, and make sure everyone shares the same expectations of your representatives. Calibrations are a contact center’s tune-up. Calibration sessions ensure your team connects the vision with the reality. While quality assurance should lead the discussions, all frontline supervisors, floor leads and representatives should be included. Input from reps is critical, since they can help contact center managers understand why boardroom strategies fall short when implemented.

Contact Centers If Money Isn't the Answer, What Is?

If Money Isn't the Answer, What Is? By Angela Wolfe How to motivate contact center reps beyond the almighty dollar. If you think that contact center representatives are only interested in a paycheck, you're dead wrong. In today's competitive job market, leaders do well to understand that compensation is only one of many factors in retaining reps, despite what reps tell you at first blush. Reps shop the contact center job market like customers shop catalogs. They want more than just money. Find out what non-money motivators affect a rep's performance by asking them. Try this test: Create an informal environment and ask