Alaina D’Altorio

Alaina D’Altorio

Alaina D’Altorio is the Content Marketing Specialist at Smith Corona.

4 Ways Warehouses Are Surviving the Holiday Inventory Glut

Retail warehouse space during the holiday season is absolutely essential. The busiest time of the year typically sees retailers increase their inventory three to four times normal just to meet consumer demand. This year’s inventory glut created a tricky situation for the retail market. U.S. retailers saw a record $732 billion of inventory in 2022,…

Why Free Shipping Hurts Your Small E-Commerce Business

Although the myth of free shipping is a topic often discussed, it seems necessary to reiterate the main takeaway: free shipping isn’t free. Someone always pays the cost for shipping, and frequently that someone is the business. Despite this revelation, brands still implement free shipping to meet ever-growing consumer expectations. Sixty-six percent of customers want free…