What Every Catalog Copywriter Wants & Needs to Know (828 words)
• Where the product is made. Sometimes, the country of origin must be disclosed in the copy. In other instances, it may be used to add mystique or value to the product.
• Specifications. Certain specifications may be necessary for ordering a product (i.e., clothing sizes); others may help sell a product (i.e., "the only encyclopedia in the world that fits in your shirt pocket"). Don't use vague descriptors such as "large" and "extra tall" on product fact sheets. Let the writer use facts to choose the best word to describe a feature/benefit. Specifications can include fabric content, weight, size, care instructions and colors.
Pat Friesen is a direct response copywriter, content developer, copy coach and creative strategist. She is also the author of "The Cross-Channel Copywriting Handbook," published by Direct Marketing IQ. Reach her at (913) 341-1211.