The Catalog Doctor Marketing Remedies for Multichannel Pro
3. Focus on the translation process. When a translation is handled properly, every pixel you see on the screen will have been generated by a program to say, "This is pretty close to what the color will look like when printed ink-on-paper." Consider how and when that can happen, and how you can take control.
Susan J. McIntyre is Founder and Chief Strategist of McIntyre Direct, a catalog agency and consultancy in Portland, Oregon offering complete creative, strategic, circulation and production services since 1991. Susan's broad experience with cataloging in multi-channel environments, plus her common-sense, bottom-line approach, have won clients from Vermont Country Store to Nautilus to C.C. Filson. A three-time ECHO award winner, McIntyre has addressed marketers in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, has written and been quoted in publications worldwide, and is a regular columnist for Retail Online Integration magazine and ACMA. She can be reached at 503-286-1400 or