Six Transitional Print Catalogs Tips for a Digital Age
One could say that all times are times of transition, but nowadays with the online channel and its benefits still evolving, catalogers need to adapt more switfly than they typically have in the past. Nicky Milner, the V.P. of Premedia at Transcontinental Printing, has provided a list of ways for print catalogs to not only survive the current transition but prosper as well. Here are some of her thoughts.
1. Create a collaborative relationship between catalog publisher and printer. Establish a dialog, allowing you to agree on solutions such as online tools to maximize workflow efficiencies, Milner says. Such conversations can help implement these tools with ease.
2. Choose a flexible and innovative printer. Find a printer that’s willing to work with you and can manage change effectively. This is helpful when a printer needs to be contacted at the last minute to communicate changes, additions and deletions.
3. Take advantage of premedia options. These programs can allow you to have instant retrieval of images and the ability for quick proofing and changes.
4. Use technology to cut costs without losing quality. If you have the ability to premedia, everything can be finished up to print- writing, editing, art, photos, layout and plate making. This will cut down production time and drive down costs, Milner says.
5. Partner with your full service printer. Many digital prepress technologies can be discussed and implemented with the help of your printing partner. In many cases it’s inefficient and costly to try and develop these prepress technologies on your own.
6. Keep an eye on ROI. Seek more efficient processes from premedia and printing partners to maximize your return on investment. It does no good to cut costs by 75 percent, only to have your ROI sink to zero.
The main ingredient to success is the ability to manage a careful approach to the acquisition of technology, reconsideration of existing techniques and cautious examination of spending, Milner says. If all three are done properly, she says that you’ll maximize your bottom-line results at the same time producing a high quality catalog.
- Companies:
- Transcontinental Printing