6. Don't let emotions get in the way of sound business decisions. You may not let emotions get in the way, but many people around you will. Here's how to deal with this type of situation: First, don't argue. Instead, tell them what's really good about their idea. They'll see you're supporting them, which will make them more willing to discussing the idea further. Then, once you sense they're relaxed and open, bring up their goals. Explore how their idea links to their goals. Then, very calmly and unemotionally, explain why that idea or decision (that they want) probably won't achieve their goal (that they also want). This way, they'll view you as being supportive of their goal.
Susan J. McIntyre is Founder and Chief Strategist of McIntyre Direct, a catalog agency and consultancy in Portland, Oregon offering complete creative, strategic, circulation and production services since 1991. Susan's broad experience with cataloging in multi-channel environments, plus her common-sense, bottom-line approach, have won clients from Vermont Country Store to Nautilus to C.C. Filson. A three-time ECHO award winner, McIntyre has addressed marketers in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, has written and been quoted in publications worldwide, and is a regular columnist for Retail Online Integration magazine and ACMA. She can be reached at 503-286-1400 or susan@mcintyredirect.com.