With this in mind, make sure your most important content displays in the top few pixels of the page, and reduce visitors need to scroll whenever possible.
4. Make sure your web forms are mobile friendly, too. As you’re refining your website for Google's algorithm update, don’t forget about on-site resources like forms. These conversion-capture assets are a critical part of your online real estate, so make sure they're as mobile friendly as the rest of your site. Form length is especially critical when optimizing for mobile. The 2015 Form Conversion Report found that the average survey now contains 22 fields. Unfortunately, 22 fields might feel daunting to a consumer completing your form on a mobile device. If your site contains a field-heavy form that just can’t be shortened, try building a smart form that automatically shows or hides questions based on how users respond. Another option is to use a horizontal layout for checkboxes and buttons to create an illusion the form is shorter.