Print Catalogs & Web Working Together (1,425 words)
We examined these two catalogs and consulted with Steve Trollinger, account executive for catalog consulting firm J. Schmid & Associates, Shawnee Mission, KS, for insight into the possible marketing strategies and overall effectiveness of these print efforts.
Dell Computers
When we first flipped through Dell Home Systems' holiday issue, we were not sure whether we were shopping for computers or decorating accessories. Along with computer hardware and system configurations, we see the well-appointed rooms that house these systems. This is computer selling through lifestyle marketing, where the computer is not simply a piece of hardware, but a "home system." This is a refreshing change from the average computer catalog that features crammed pages and a smiling call center operator. The Dell catalog is classy, employing a balance of white space, subdued colors, and thoughtful product positioning. It follows the rules of catalog marketing by drawing readers into the book with a reason to buy. The cover sets the tone for the shopping experience, by featuring a full desktop computer system, atop a wooden accent table instead of a desk. Festively wrapped presents and family photos complete the non-office decor. Any title involving the words "business," or "corporate," is obviously inappropriate.