* Forecast*21 from Direct Tech, Omaha, Neb., (www.direct-tech.com) is a comprehensive suite of tools. Direct Tech’s client list includes Coldwater Creek, Hammacher Schlemmer and other catalogers. Forecast*21 offers: unique versioning capabilities to compare forecasts for different variations of the same offer (plus “what-if” version analysis); top-down/bottom-up planning at the level of offer/category/subcategory/product/descriptor/SKU; elaborate color/size planning and analysis; merchandise assortment planning; graphical page analysis; and open-to-buy planning. Direct Tech also emphasizes training as an essential aspect of systems implementation, working closely with clients to ensure they not only get everything set up properly but that they continue to use the system for maximum impact season after season.
Tools for Merchandise Forecasting
Or how to bring order to the chaos.