Merchandise Spotlight-Leatherman Tool (664 words)
Today, the Leatherman tool is the dominant multipurpose tool in the travel/outdoors field and a staple in catalogs, even though a half-dozen companies have knocked it off. See page 36 for examples of how the Leatherman Tool and an imitator are presented in three catalogs.
The Consumer Space Ad
A fascinating sidebar to this story is a look at the advertising of Leatherman tools. The examples from the catalogs you see here are standard, workman-like presentations of an item that every traveler should have. True, some prices are higher than others; but catalogers know their customers, know what the traffic will bear and charge accordingly. In short, catalogers know how to make an offer, write copy and change behavior by turning prospects into customers.
Denny Hatch is the author of six books on marketing and four novels, and is a direct marketing writer, designer and consultant. His latest book is “Write Everything Right!” Visit him at