The data that Office Depot gets from Bizrate Insights enables it to tie back specific insights to individual customers. Office Depot can use this information to assign a specific e-commerce team member to help address their problem. "We've organized our e-commerce team for success," said Childers, noting that there's an entire team devoted specifically to navigation and another for checkout. This specialized customer service, both in-store and online, has resulted in improved customer satisfaction and increased conversion rates.
How Office Depot is Leveraging Customer Feedback to Drive Sales
The data that Office Depot gets from Bizrate Insights enables it to tie back specific insights to individual customers. Office Depot can use this information to assign a specific e-commerce team member to help address their problem. "We've organized our e-commerce team for success," said Childers, noting that there's an entire team devoted specifically to navigation and another for checkout. This specialized customer service, both in-store and online, has resulted in improved customer satisfaction and increased conversion rates.