What’s your brand accomplished this year that would classify it as insanely great? What first pops into your mind? In honor of Jobs, if you took an “insanely great inventory,” what would you find as you looked across all your channels, your various customer touchpoints, thousands of SKUs, personalized services and never-ending stream of social media strategies? What’s been insanely great for your brand this year?
- People:
- Jim Collins
- Make Steve Jobs
Andrea Syverson is the founder and president of creative branding and merchandising consultancy IER Partners. For 20+ years, Andrea’s joy has been inspiring clients with innovative approaches to branding, product development and creative messaging. She’s the author of two books about brand building and creating customer-centric products that enhance brands: BrandAbout: A Seriously Playful Approach for Passionate Brand-Builders and Merchants and ThinkAbout: 77 Creative Prompts for Innovators. You may reach her at asyverson@ierpartners.com.