How Apple Pay Revolutionizes Online Conversions
1. Small screens, big fingers: Entering data on a small screen is fraught with difficulty and easily susceptible to errors. Consumers have learned to bail as soon as they see "Register," "Guest Checkout" and "Login" on a smartphone.
2. Not enough hands: If you use one hand to hold your phone and the other to type, how do you get your credit card out of your wallet? You have to put the phone down, extract the card, then try and hold both card and phone in one hand. It's possible, but hardly convenient. A small percentage of consumers have solved the problem by learning their credit card details by heart, but it's unlikely that we can train all consumers to do so.
- Companies:
Charles Nicholls is a social commerce expert and board advisor to several e-commerce startups. He founded SeeWhy, a real-time personalization and machine learning platform, which was sold to SAP. Serving as SVP of product, he built SAP Upscale Commerce, an e-commerce platform for direct-to-consumer brands and the mid-market. Today, Charles serves as chief strategy officer for SimplicityDX, the edge experience company. He has worked on strategy and projects for leading ecommerce companies worldwide, including Amazon, eBay, Google and many others. For more information, visit or connect on LinkedIn.