From One Liberal to Another, Shame on You: 10 Flaws in the Latest Do-Not-Mail Initiative
But upon further review, some of them are rather Kramer-like. Take Margaret Bauguess of Sacramento, Calif. “It is an invasion of our privacy.” Oooo, watch out for those catalogs with the hidden TV cameras, Margaret!
Then you get the melodramatic. Here’s what Caitlin Weigand, who identifies herself as being with the Center for Health, Environment & Justice in Falls Church, Va., had to say: “Yes, it’s poisonous to the environment. But worse than that, advertisements are poisonous to our happiness. They are designed to make you feel what you already have is inferior, and that essentially you are inferior! Without them, society would be more free to self-determine for needs and desires. That would most certainly result in less consumption, more money saved in the bank and your wallet, and less waste polluting the land and air.”