4 Tips for Overcoming the Omnichannel Challenge
Without a doubt, "omnichannel" was the marketing word du jour in 2014, and as we begin 2015, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast. Already fragmented consumer attention spans draw shorter while patience with brands struggling to deliver what customers want, when and how they want it, grows thinner. As a retailer, the need to be omnipresent across all channels and devices — or better yet, omniscient — has never been greater.
This is underscored by the emergence of distinct consumer omnichannel shopping personalities; all different, but equally important. Consumer habits such as webrooming and showrooming remind us that each channel serves a unique purpose for the consumer — and of the danger of focusing too heavily on one particular area while neglecting another.
However, despite the hype, being everywhere and always on can be truly daunting. So how do you do it effectively without losing your mind? Following are four tips for overcoming the omnichannel challenge:
1. Clean up your dirty data. Eighty-four percent of marketing databases today have "dirty" data (i.e., incorrect, incomplete or duplicate information) lurking around their CRM and marketing automation systems. Though most retailers know this is a problem, few prioritize data hygiene, and most don't even know where to begin. So over time, as it continues to get pushed under the rug, these dirty data problems become downright filthy fiascoes. To keep your data clean, consolidated and up-to-date, it's essential to refresh your database every 30 days to 60 days or less. Your bottom line depends on it.
2. Learn how to listen. One doesn't have to look far to see that today's consumer loves the spotlight. Between posting selfies and checking in at their favorite places, customers are voicing their opinions about their brand experiences and even posing questions to brands directly. If you're not using tools to find and monitor these conversations across digital, social and mobile channels, you're missing critical opportunities to engage customers and influence their purchasing decisions in real time.
3. Personalize your message. By actively listening across channels, you can identify triggers and behavior patterns that help shape clear and complete customer profiles. This enables you to develop highly relevant campaigns that can be adjusted on-the-fly as well as extend personalized offers and discounts at the precise moment a specific individual's interest and receptiveness is piqued.
4. Act fast and pivot as you learn. If you're employing manual processes to listen and pull consumer data channel-by-channel, it's virtually impossible to use this intelligence to shape an appropriate, relevant message until it's too late. Furthermore, you have to be able to recall historical data instantly and inject recent or real-time data into the mix fast to create real context for each customer touchpoint. Put systems in place that allow you to move quickly, with agility. By doing so, you can easily see what's working and what's not so you can pivot your marketing approach in real time.
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to building dynamic, omnichannel campaigns that maximize customer engagement and brand loyalty and increase sales.
Mike Shanker is the CEO of QuickPivot, a multichannel marketing platform.