4 Tips for Overcoming the Omnichannel Challenge
However, despite the hype, being everywhere and always on can be truly daunting. So how do you do it effectively without losing your mind? Following are four tips for overcoming the omnichannel challenge:
1. Clean up your dirty data. Eighty-four percent of marketing databases today have "dirty" data (i.e., incorrect, incomplete or duplicate information) lurking around their CRM and marketing automation systems. Though most retailers know this is a problem, few prioritize data hygiene, and most don't even know where to begin. So over time, as it continues to get pushed under the rug, these dirty data problems become downright filthy fiascoes. To keep your data clean, consolidated and up-to-date, it's essential to refresh your database every 30 days to 60 days or less. Your bottom line depends on it.