Five Ways to Bring Your Catalog/Multichannel Business in Tune With 2008

There’s way too much going on in postal that oh-so-directly affects your bottom line with regard to changes in postal rates, rules, regulations, laws, you name it, that you can’t afford not to have at least one staffer who keeps up to speed on postal matters on a daily basis.
Although these five suggestions are listed in order of priority, they should all be top priority in 2008. They’re crucial, but they’re hardly for brain surgeons. Any catalog CEO is capable of implementing them if he or she hasn’t already. Then again, you have plenty on your plate running your day-to-day business just to keep afloat in these tough times, so I leave you with a little advice more typical of that from a trade conference: See if you can take action on at least one of these. Then take it from there and try the others. You’ll be glad you did.
- Companies:
- United States Postal Service