Ballpark: Ads in The Wall Street Journal’s “Catalog and Online Shopping” section generally run 2 1/2 inches square representing 35 agate lines and will cost about $2,500 to reach 4.1 million readers.
Referrals or M-G-Ms
In the book and record club business, Member-Get-a-Member (M-G-M) was the second most lucrative medium for acquiring customers. (Space ads were No. 1.) Nightingale-Conant, the seminar and self-help company, prints a referral effort on the back of its BREs’ message offering to send a catalog to a friend or relative for free and providing room for two names and addresses. The logic here: The order has been placed, the BRE sealed, so the added request wouldn’t interfere with the ordering process.
Denny Hatch is the author of six books on marketing and four novels, and is a direct marketing writer, designer and consultant. His latest book is “Write Everything Right!” Visit him at