11. Provide fast confirmation. Visitors should receive an e-mail confirmation of their sign-up that same day — preferably within minutes. Only 14 sites (31 percent) met the same-day standard; the majority of sites confirmed the sign-up within a few days.
A fast confirmation ensures the visitor didn’t make an entry mistake, and the fast feedback can reduce the chance that subsequent pieces are flagged as spam. Use a “From:” address that clearly indicates your brand — too many retailers send e-mails from ambiguous addresses like “custserv” (The Company Store), “support” (Cooking.com), “webteam” (B&H Photo Video) or “info” (Diamond.com). The most confusing confirmation came from info@ldproducts.com; the address and the e-mail didn’t identify themselves as being associated with Inkjets.com, where the e-mail sign-up occurred.