Critics of President-elect Donald Trump and his oldest daughter Ivanka are letting their voices be heard — on These critics are leaving bad product reviews on Ivanka’s fashion and beauty products. One review on a pair of boots reads, “These boots were perfect for wiping my feet on the Constitution and trampling the civil liberties and basic human rights of my fellow Americans. The spike heel is ideal for grinding democracy into the ground, or simply kicking the downtrodden as you stride past.”
Total Retail’s Take: This is hardly the first time critics have taken to Amazon to show displeasure. Amazon is such a huge platform with so much content, it’s easy for these so-called “trolls” to blend in with real reviews. Amazon has tried to scrub hateful comments from its site in the past, but it still isn’t a good look for Ivanka’s brand. Many trolls are attacking her for manufacturing products overseas. This may cause a problem for her in the future.