Catalog of the Year Awards
By Gabrielle Mosquera
Those who work with her claim that Charlotte Harrell’s Southern hospitality flavors her daily catalog operations as much as it does her products: pecan candies and confections made from nuts harvested on-site at her 200-acre farm in Meggett, SC.
But it’s more than just hospitality that has boosted Harrell Farms’ overall sales volume 60 percent per year since its 1999 launch. Harrell’s ambition, eye for design and firm product-quality standards also have gone a long way toward pushing the company’s growth. Since 1999, Harrell Farms has:
- increased its average order value by 56 percent;
- increased its number of orders by 45 percent per year;
- increased its catalog circulation from 25,000 to 500,000; and
- moved operations from Harrell’s kitchen to a 16,000-square-foot physical plant.
- Companies:
- Shades Of Light/Rugs Under Foot