Catalog Doctor: The Amazing, Portable, Low-Cost, Handheld Device for Delivering Sales
Catalogs Deliver Less Clutter
We've become so ingrained with the phrase "mailbox clutter" that we've lost sight of how much the landscape has changed over the past few years. The U.S. Postal Service's mail volumes are down — rather drastically. Mailboxes are less cluttered than they've been in years. Your catalog is more likely to stand out and be read by recipients. The real clutter nowadays is online. Users are constantly inundated with a stream of emails, by ads that pop up again and again as cookies track users throughout the web, by animated nonsense that distracts and annoys, by websites that are so busy and cluttered that they're confusing and hard to navigate. Today's online environment is a torrential downpour of clutter.
Susan J. McIntyre is Founder and Chief Strategist of McIntyre Direct, a catalog agency and consultancy in Portland, Oregon offering complete creative, strategic, circulation and production services since 1991. Susan's broad experience with cataloging in multi-channel environments, plus her common-sense, bottom-line approach, have won clients from Vermont Country Store to Nautilus to C.C. Filson. A three-time ECHO award winner, McIntyre has addressed marketers in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, has written and been quoted in publications worldwide, and is a regular columnist for Retail Online Integration magazine and ACMA. She can be reached at 503-286-1400 or