Building a Digital Workflow Brick by Brick
The not-so-good news, at least for small to mid-size mailers, is that many enterprise-wide DAM systems are so capable and feature-rich they're often beyond the means of the small to mid-sized cataloger. But they're a luxury for organizations with deep pockets.
Daunting Proposition
Bruce Detweiler Breckbill, vice president, direct sales for Kidron, Ohio-based general merchandise cataloger Lehman's, says venturing into the realm of DAM is a daunting proposition. "I attended a conference last year and checked out some [DAM] systems. I tried to pin one developer down to a price," Breckbill recalls. "I had to know if he was talking about $10,000 or $100,000. He told me that the solution would cost us about $250,000 initially, plus a $30,000 a year licensing fee. We can't even begin to think about that kind of investment."