By Business Type
Regardless of whether you use traditional SIC/NAICS codes or have developed a unique system that further defines your customer base, selecting by business type can significantly improve results. If you sell medical supplies, for example, knowing whether a customer is buying for a hospital as opposed to a private doctor’s office could have significant impact on cover versioning and offers, which, in turn, could significantly improve response.
- Companies:
- J. Schmid & Assoc.
A columnist for Retail Online Integration, George founded HAGUEdirect, a marketing agency. Previously he was a member of the Shawnee Mission, Kan.-based consulting and creative agency J. Schmid & Assoc. He has more than 10 years of experience in circulation, advertising, consulting and financial strategy in the catalog/retail industry. George's expertise includes circulation strategy, mailing execution, response analysis and financial planning. Before joining J. Schmid, George worked as catalog marketing director at Dynamic Resource Group, where he was responsible for marketing and merchandising for the Annie's Attic Needlecraft catalog, the Clotilde Sewing Notions catalog, the House of White Birches Quilter's catalog and three book clubs. George also worked on corporate acquisitions.