With a heavy focus on shopping for Father’s Day, let’s take a look at how dads themselves shop and how marketers can cater to their preferences.
According to new research, dads are an influential market segment for retailers, as they're looking to shop and save across both physical and digital channels. An overwhelming 96 percent of dads say that coupons will influence them to try a new brand they wouldn’t typically purchase from. Retailers looking to tap into this cost-conscious demographic should keep in mind dads’ unique preferences and behaviors at all stages of the buying journey.
Play Into Their Prep Time by Making Deals and Product Information Accessible
Before dads step foot into a physical store or place items in their online shopping carts, they’re spending time to research what they’re looking for and planning when, where and how to buy it. Simply, more dads are taking the time to find coupons and making lists. Over two-thirds of fathers have a set planning routine before shopping, and 63 percent research product ratings and reviews — all before checking out. Fathers also check both digital and print coupons before buying, including mobile savings apps. Nearly three-fourths claim that money saved with coupons allows them to buy more products, and 66 percent expressed a more positive sentiment toward companies and brands that offer coupons (compared with companies that do not).
Don’t Stress Dads Out, Give them a Convenient Shopping Experience
Convenience is key when it comes to driving in-store traffic, especially for dads with busy schedules. Almost two-thirds say convenience is a priority over saving money, compared to 35 percent of all consumers. Not just occasional shoppers, dads stock up on items and make fill-in trips for last-minute needs throughout the week.
Recognize Dads’ Influence — The Experience Goes Beyond the Sale
Modern dads are sharing their experiences with others. Compared to 62 percent of all consumers that share brand reviews and savings with friends and family after purchases, 86 percent of dads do so. This indicates that dads are not only seeking out a good deal, they want to share their experiences with other consumers. With this in mind, ensure customers have a clear opportunity to review products as well as share deals and purchases on social media and beyond. The best customer is a brand advocate who does word-of-mouth marketing on your behalf!
When it comes to how modern dads shop, it’s evident that they embrace a variety of touchpoints throughout the purchase journey. They’re researching product reviews and deals in advance, using apps and print coupons, and even spreading the word post-purchase.
This Father’s Day, gift dad with the ideal shopping experience — one that's convenient, deal-friendly and gives him a platform to share his experience.
Curtis Tingle is the chief marketing officer of Valassis, a leader in activating consumers through intelligent media delivery.
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Curtis Tingle is CMO of Valassis, a leader in intelligent media delivery create cross-channel campaigns through direct mail, digital and print advertising, and marketing strategies.