Remember, unlike direct mail to magazine lists—which not only is expensive, but reaches only subscribers—a space ad also will be seen by newsstand buyers and people in waiting rooms and on planes. My advice: See what your competitors are doing and steal smart.
It Can Pay to Fulfill Quickly
One other point deserves mentioning. With feet size 8EEE, I used to order shoes from Hitchcock Wide Shoes for Men. But in the early 1990s we dropped off of each other’s radar screens. When I moved to Philadelphia, I needed dress shoes quickly. I spotted a Hitchcock ad and called for a catalog. I was ready to buy on the spot. The phone rep took my name and address. I asked if she wanted my prior address since I had been a very good customer, and Hitchcock might want to know that. She said “no.”
Denny Hatch is the author of six books on marketing and four novels, and is a direct marketing writer, designer and consultant. His latest book is “Write Everything Right!” Visit him at