A Chat With Dyan Eagles, founder and president, DharmaCrafts
CS: What are some key points to your success?
Eagles: The person that runs my company helped me with this one. She says it’s the fact that I was always learning. Right now I have professional management; I’m really lucky. Because I was always learning though, the things that I was scared of, technology, insurance and contracts came easier. I was able to use some talents I have, too. I think I’m really good at merchandising. I love to look for things that are beautiful that I think our customers will love. I enjoy doing the creative for the catalog. It looks nice, and it’s always looked nice. As the catalog has grown, I’ve had no problem delegating things to people. In fact, the more things I can let go of, the happier I am, and the better I’m able to work on the things I’m really good at.