A Chat With Dennis Garvey, chief operating officer, U.S. Cavalry
CS: What has been your biggest career challenge, and how did you deal with it?
DG: Coming to U.S. Cavalry has been the biggest career challenge, and also the most fulfilling. I spent most of my previous time after I got out of the service for a large corporation, and I had a lot to learn when I came to this small company where your actions are much more trackable to a bottom line. It’s a reality check. You are certainly accountable for your actions at a big company, but there’s so much structure around you that the impact of your actions often are muted by the size of the organization. That can be a positive as well as a negative. If you do something wrong, the company won’t go down the tubes because of one person’s mistake, but likewise, your ability to have a positive impact on the company and industry as a whole is a lot less as well. Coming to Cavalry, and rebuilding from bankruptcy probably the biggest challenge I had.