A Chat with Fred Meyers, President & CEO, The Queensboro Shirt
CS: What about this business appeals to you?
FM: The business is great. I love it for a bunch of different reasons. I love the fact that we have a product that's tangible, that you can touch and feel. In business school, a lot of people were getting jobs on Wall Street and consulting services, and to me, I love the fact that I can wear our product. I love the way our shirts feel. I like being able to develop and sell fabrics, design a product and see it come to fruition. On the marketing side, it's been great to utilize all these new technologies as they develop. I remember when the fax machine was invented, and we were able to fax insertion orders. All of a sudden customers could fax us orders. It was clear as soon as the computer was developed what kind of impact it would have on the office environment. And then the Internet after that. To be able to have a business that's been able to walk through all of these technologies has been a great experience. It's been intellectually satisfying.