A Chat with Fred Meyers, President & CEO, The Queensboro Shirt
CS: Any goals for the business?
FM: We'll do $7-8 million this year, and our goal for the last few years is to get to $10, and we're on track to do that next year. That's our short term goal. My big picture goal, and I've always been much more interested in being a really good small business than a mediocre bigger business. I wasn't interested in hitting $10 million in sales just to say I had a $10 million business. I wanted to be a really great $10 million business. When I say great, I want something that runs really well. I want customers who aren't just satisfied, but happy and delighted with our work. After 10 comes 20, and after 20 come 50. As to how big the business can be, I think that's just a function of how good we are. Businesses keep reinventing themselves. As our minimums and prices go down, we're on the border of serving the consumer market, which is sort of what I was thinking when I started out. I wanted a consumer-oriented business, but businesses actually had the logos, whereas most people don't have their own logo they want to promote and publish.