A Chat with Arnie Zaslow, executive vice president, ATD American Co.
CS: What are your hobbies?
AZ: I guess I’d have to say family. I enjoy that. That to me is the greatest hobby in the world. I enjoy being with my wife, my children, my brothers. We have a very closely knit family. I share two responsibilities. Aside from being EVP of ATD American, I’m also the managing director of the Zaslow family office. And the Zaslow family office is comprised of 42 family members. And these are children, grandchildern, who do a great many things together. And not just family picnics and cruises, but doing practical things, like investing together. We do a lot of things together. So I spend a lot of time doing that. I enjoy mentoring as well. Whether it be family members or going back to my old high school and making presentations and mentoring. I enjoy serving on panels of family businesses. There are a number of family business organizations around the country, and I get a kick out of participating in those activities.