The shift from analog to digitally influenced shopping at brick-and-mortar stores is the most important change in shopper behavior that marketers need to act on today. Ryan Partnership surveyed over 8,000 consumers this year to find out which digital tools they use, and which are really driving impulse purchases, increased spending and choice of retailer. Ryan's proprietary Impact Score uses that information to measure each tool's influence on shopping behavior. The results provide guidance on the best ways for retailers to use digital tools this holiday season. Here are five of those tips:
1. Actively reach out to shoppers digitally. The tool with the single highest Impact Score is email. For those shoppers who use them (53 percent), emails from retailers aren't a bother; they're useful and motivate them to act. If you've invested in building an email list, this is the time to use it. The more you personalize the communications based on your knowledge of shopping patterns and preferences, the more effective your messages will be. Even if you know nothing but a consumer's email address, make use of it to remind them of all you have to offer this holiday season.
2. Encourage shoppers to share. Forty-two percent of the shoppers Ryan surveyed said that product reviews and recommendations influence their choice of retailer. Encouraging shoppers to share their positive experience on your website, mobile app, social media pages, etc., will pay off in increased traffic. Consider awarding loyalty program points or discounts for sharing. Provide free Wi-Fi to enable tweeting and sharing on Facebook right from your store.
3. Make sure mobile is part of your mix. Tools such as mobile coupons and SMS tripled in usage between 2010 and 2012. Mobile marketing messages can reach shoppers both while they're planning their trip and in-store. According to Prosper Mobile Insights, the No. 1 activity for mobile shoppers this holiday season will be comparing prices with another physical store, not checking online pricing. Communicate your key point of difference from your usual competitors, whether it's low prices, better selection/service, etc., so shoppers can make an informed decision when they're comparing prices.
4. Use shopping apps and social media to maximize your share of shoppers’ holiday wallet. Consumers in Ryan's study reported that these two tools have the strongest impact on impulse purchasing. Nearly 22 percent of respondents who use mobile apps and social media for shopping say they make more unplanned purchases as a result, and 15 percent say they spend more than they plan. Keep your social media pages working for you by updating them frequently with relevant news and offers. If you don't have your own shopping app, consider tying in with a third-party app or partnering with your suppliers’ activities.
5. Don't take your eye off the (digital) basics. Despite the growth of mobile, the three most used marketing tools (your website, downloadable coupons and search engines) are familiar to most retailers. Consumers spend more time than usual planning their holiday shopping trips — and holiday shopping is often done by novices — so be sure your search engine optimization strategies are in place to highlight your site. You also want to ensure that your website promotes your most compelling offers for the holidays. Ryan's Impact Score shows that downloadable coupons are the most influential of these three, making them a potential key investment during this highly competitive season.
The shift to digital shopping is well underway. Don't waste time figuring out how to do an end run around digital tools; instead, make them work for you. The activities you undertake now can help make this a profitable holiday season as well as set your business up for success in 2013.
Kim Finnerty is the vice president, shopper insights, at Ryan Partnership. Kim can be reached at