Amidst frightening statistics, unprecedented restrictions on personal freedoms and global uncertainty, it’s tough to be positive right now. However, I take comfort in the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a resilience and compassion in many of us that I didn’t know was there.
In addition to the life-saving work carried out by those on the front lines, the medical professionals, emergency services, cleaners and retail workers, I’m heartened by the response from the retail industry. At a moment when it's only natural to think about your own circumstances, here are some of the retail merchants that are helping others, and aiding the fight against the coronavirus.
- Amazing Wireless donating to hospitals. Texas-based electronics retailer Amazing Wireless is doing some amazing things around this epidemic, including donating iPads and other electronic items to local hospitals that are in desperate need of supplies.
- Decathlon creating emergency ventilator masks. French sporting goods retailer Decathlon, working alongside the Italy-based Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems, has converted its Easybreath snorkeling face mask into an emergency ventilator mask. The research team designed and 3D printed a connector between the mask and ventilator which can be used in hospitals that are incurring severe shortages.
- Cefinn and Spikeball helping the marginalized. With every order received, Cefinn, the London-based-high-end womenswear brand, is donating money to two U.K.-based charities: Age UK, a key charity supporting the elderly in every aspect of their lives; and The Trussell Trust, which provides emergency food and support for those in poverty. Meanwhile, for anyone who purchases its Limited Edition Standard Kit, Spikeball is donating 20 percent of the proceeds to America’s largest domestic hunger relief organization, Feeding America.
- CutLaserCut cutting medical supplies. London-based design manufacturer CutLaserCut is offering its laser cutting technology to help create medical supplies designed specifically to fight against COVID-19 in the U.K.
These are but a few examples of the positive things the retail industry is doing to provide support where it's needed. I’m sure we will see many more over the weeks and months to come.
Derek O'Carroll is CEO of Brightpearl, a cloud-based ERP for retailers and wholesalers. Furthermore, for any merchant searching for advice, trends and insights throughout the coronavirus crisis, please take a look at Brightpearl's Covid 19 Resource Hub.
Derek O'Carroll is CEO of Brightpearl, a cloud-based ERP for retailers and wholesalers. Recognized as a leading retail expert, his mantra is to deliver on Brightpearl’s mission to automate the back office for today’s merchants.
Brightpearl is a retail operations platform for retailers and wholesalers with a clear mission to automate the back office so merchants can spend their time and money growing the business. Brightpearl’s complete back office solution includes financial management, inventory and sales order management, purchasing and supplier management, CRM, fulfillment, warehouse management and logistics.