Lucky Chic also offers a unique feature called "My Concierge," which it's named Emily. Emily will bid for you while you're away from the site, so in a sense you can have Emily do all your dirty work. You just enter a high dollar amount and the number of times and chips to bid.
I watched the last-minute bidding war take place for the iPad, hoping I could leverage some kind of strategy with my chips to win. Problem is that last minute turned into an all-nighter. Each bid adds 20 seconds to the total bidding time, so that last minute went on for 12 hours! And, with the help of Emily, there didn't even need to be a person placing the bids. The last-minute bidding war was between two Emilys — and it went until 2:48 a.m. When all was said and done, the iPad went for $212.40, which is still a great deal, but nowhere close to the $1.80 it was advertised for.